Its a good thing! For sure. I hate speaking infront of people i dont know. I hated it in elementary school, I hated it in middle school, and i surely hated it in high school. For whatever reason, at the beginning of the class, i knew the 'teacher' (who is really a RN / midwife) was going to be calling on all the 'dads to be' in the class to make complete fools out of themselves. (i guess with a little girl on the way, i better get used to that) So she (the teacher) held up a pamphlet and asked if everyone had this. Now, i know i had one, but i didnt get it out because i had already 'briefly' looked over it, but Cas looks over at me and says, "i think its in that book". (nicks thought) "Crap". So i relucantly pulled out this pamphlet on 'Pre Term Labor' and as the dad infront of me is reading the first line (he got the easy one), the teacher looked at me and asked if i could read #2.
The Big Number Two...i knew it...and i couldnt do a thing about it. (time to soak up some pride, bow my head, and read it) "Look to see if there is vaginal discharge or bloody discharge from the vagina" It is pronounced VA-ginal ... but look at me, I threw down a 'VAGINA-uh-al Discharge'. needless to say, daddy was a little embarresed at this point. But i knew, in the back on my mind, with the exception of one maybe two guys, they all would have said "Vagina-uh-al" instead of VA-ginal.
Oh well...maybe i can embaress myself again next week!