About Me

- cassNnick
- Nick and I are so excited to have finally started a place for everyone to come see our updates on baby Makayla. I know that we have not been the best at keeping everyone informed but this should help. We are so happy about our newest addition to our family Makayla Rose Johnson and can't wait to share everything with you.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Dr Appt Update and crazy day!
Well we are now in the final stretch! I will be seeing Dr. Folkstad for weekly visits now. Yesterday was a bit crazy though. Nick had a seizure at the office in the morning (which he hasn't had in almost 4 and a half years now)! Of course I was a nervous wreck and went ahead and had him taken to the ER just to make sure all was good. During this whole adventure I had been trying to shrug off the fact that I had been crampy all day and feeling what I thought might be contractions. Anyway once Nick and I got to the hospital and I new he was ok I went on to my doctor's appt since I wasn't feeling well. Sure enough the doctor was running late, I didn't get in to see him until 4:30 and my appt was at 2:45. The doctor confirmed that yes I was having real contractions and that the cramping was my cervix effacing. I am currently 50% effaced and a finger tip dialated. Makayla is also head first and very very low! She is trying to make her grand entrance a little early. The doctor is not sure if I will make it but he is going ahead and scheduling the induction for August 13th just in case. At this point he says if I go into labor he will not stop it, so I guess Nick and I better be ready. Anyhow after a long wait at the doctors I headed back to the hospital to be with Nick. He was released from the ER after the doctor spoke with his nuerologist. He is hurting awfully bad (like being hit by a train) and is pretty much laid out but he is excited to think baby Kayla could be here very soon. So everyone is beggining to take bets on when I will go into labor, I say I will wait until the 13th and everyone else has other plans lol. We will see though only 3 weeks to go!
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