As President Franklin D. Roosevelt said about the Dec. 7th attack of Pearl Harbor,
"April 28th, 2008 is a date that will live in infamy..."
Well atleast in my eyes. That is the first time I felt my daughter move. Cassie and I were just hangin out watchin a movie at home, Cassie had her hands on her stomach, and she told me that she felt Makayla moving. I was like "really" and I jumped off the couch and ran over. The biggest thing up until this point, was it seemed that everyone who tried to feel her move, actually felt it, whenever I would try, the kid would go instantly into acoma. Needless to say, this was a little more than dis-couraging. But I was determined to feel her move atleast once while she was in her little pressure cooker. So I sat, and I waited, and waited, and just when I was about to again give up...I felt it... a little nudge from my pint size offspring. Now at this point, I am having flash backs of the day Cassie called me and told me to bring home more pregnancy test's because I am just THAT STOKED! So again, with both hands on the controls (read: baby bump), I wait, and wait, and it feels like we are slipping back to this whole, "I hate daddy", I just layed my head down on Cassie's tummy to tell the little one that, yes I felt her move, and thank you. Well apparently she is already following in my footsteps of not being a 'Sentimental' type, because LOW AND BEHOLD, I felt a little bump on my cheek, and Cassie said "woah there Makayla...". Yes, my daughter kicked me in the face, even before she was born. (I cant wait for the terrible two's, im going to have a black eye). I think that pretty much sum's up the first time I felt my child move. So in honor of Southpark's "kick the baby", this has been my story of "Kick the Daddy"