It all began the morning of December 29th 2007.
Nick had just left the house to run an errand when I decided to take the opportunity to investigate some "unusual" things that had been going on with me lately. By investigate I mean run to the bathroom and take not one not two but three pregnancy tests. All of them faintly said "yep you're pregnant". I was in shock thinking wow I know we wanted kids someday soon but someday soon came quick. I immediately texted Kristi (my best friend for 9 years) and my mom with a picture of the results. Of course the phone began ringing with Kristi saying your pregnant congrats! Shortly after that conversation I called my mom not sure if she had gotten the picture message I had sent and sure enough she was soooo excited. I kept saying it probley wasn't true and I wanted more proof. I then had to make the big call to Nick, yes I called my own husband 3rd but it was because I just couldn't believe it. I called Nick and said "hunny I think that ummmm we might be having a baby" Nick was so excited! I told him to pick up one more box of pregnancy tests so that I could just make 100% sure. He rushed home and handed me a bag of pregnancy tests. There were two different types with two in each box because he wasn't sure which brand to buy. Then over the next couple hours I took 3 more pregnancy tests! I know a little obsessive but after taking 6 and all showing positive Nick knew we were expecting yet I was still not sure lol. While Nick ran around the house taking pictures of the pregnancy tests and jumping around with happiness I decided it was time to tell our family that it was a possibility I was pregnant. Yes I said it, POSSIBILITY; I mean people could have 6 false positives right lol. We called Terri and Wayne (Nick's mom and dad) to see if we could meet up with them. They were at Applebee's with Aunt Judy so we were out the door on the way up there to meet them. On the way I had to call my dad who had been asking about when he was going to be a grandpa for quite some time. My dad being skeptical like me thought that we better wait for proof yet he brought home a little yellow ducky for the baby lol. I then called a few others before pulling up to the restaurant. We ran in and looked at Terri and Wayne and said how would you like to be grandparents?!? They looked at us with confusion as we said yep were probley having a little one. We chatted a bit with them about everything and said our goodbyes as Terri was still thinking about what name she wanted baby to call her. Back in the car on the way home I told Nick I would like to wait on telling everyone else until we saw the doctor. Nick looked at me like I was crazy, he had already texted darn near everyone in his phone about becoming a daddy. I guess that's what a proud daddy to be does. I was so lucky to have such a wonderful husband to share that first day with.
P.S. I took the 7th pregnancy test the next morning and it was the weirdest thing it still showed pregnant. =-)
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