-She obviously has Nicks "Big" head lol
-She has Nicks nose not mommies =(
-She has Nicks lips because I have no peeks
-And she has huge chubby "chipmonk" cheeks
I think I got screwed out of this deal, I get to build her for 40 weeks and she gets no features of mine! I guess she is going to be a daddys girl. Oh yes and she appeared to have long feet, look out here comes daddys size 14 shoes!
Anyhow but to top of the appt because she is measuring large the doctor is going to induce me on August 13th (time of day will be given by the doctor in about 4 weeks). This is in hopes that I will be able to get my little munchkin out the normal way instead of a C-section. So depending on how my body reacts to the induction Makayla's b-day will be either August 13th or 14th. Wow that means she will be here in about 6 weeks. Below are some of her latest and last pics until she is born, enjoy!