On Friday 06/06/2008 I was sent to L&D by my doctors office. The long story is below, sorry for the rant but it was such a miserable experience.
Friday I had a call into my doctor as I had been having severe back pain for 3 days. I figured it was probley just the way I was carrying since I had a bad back before pregnancy anyhow. When I talked to my doctor they wanted me to go on into labor and delivery to get things checked out(to make sure it wasn't my kidneys causing the pain). I didn't want to go matter of fact I tried convincing Nick we didn't need to lol! But I know since the doctor said to I needed to go that I was going. Anyhow, since I am first timer and am not familiar with rules and regulations in the L & D portion of the hospital, I only know that when I have been in the ER they say no food or drinks until seen by a doctor and once given the ok you can. So I arrived at L & D at 11:00am and I normally eat around 11:30 so I was getting hungry but decided it was best to wait not knowing what all they were going to do. They hooked me up to the monitors for about an hour and came in and said looks like were going to be giving you the shot as you are having irratibility of your uterus (basically any type of contraction that registered under 60 on the print out) and I was having a few real contractions hitting about 65. So I got the shot and was patiently awaiting someone to tell me to eat or ask if I wanted water. No one did so I had Nick finaly at 2:00 go ask the nurse because I was really thirsty and hungry. She okayed it and Nick being the good hubby he is was on his way down to the cafe to get me food. Then the nurse comes in and starts out looking really upset and says "Just so you know you can refuse this, I mean I'm just telling you it is your right as the patient to say no to any treatment that the doctor tries to administer." This of course made me nervous so I was all ok what is going on? The nurse said they had found _________ in my urine (don't remember the name) and that the doctor wanted to hook me up on IV's for it. I asked her what this substance in my urine was and she said basically it shows you havn't been eating. I immediately said of course I havn't I told you all I haven't eatin anything since breakfast. She said she understood and completely was fine with that but that the doctor was basically questioning if I had been depriving myself and my child of food!!!! I could'nt believe that, my eyes swelled with tears and I said I don't understand I eat LOTS of food everyday I am just late on eating lunch because of being here. She said the count in my urine was so little that all they wrote it was elevated because they couldn't even assign a number to it. She also stated that all the iv was going to do is pump sugars etc really quick into my body just making me feel sick as opposed to me just drinking two glasses of apple juice and eating my lunch that Nick was bringing up! I then told the nurse I agreed with her and was refunsing the iv since I was about to eat which was going to give the same end results except for the sick part. The nurse then stated just so you know your doctor never would have told us to do that for you and that the doctor on call although he works in the same office owns his own practice. The nurse obviously did not like this doctor and neither did I. If your going to acuse me of something so awful come and talk to me yourself. I never once saw the doctor the whole time I was there. Anyhow the minor contractions lessened and I ate lunch drank a bunch of juice and water and was released to go home only a little over 4 hours later. I was also told that I would probley be one of the lucky ones (sarcastic of course) with back labor the whole pregnancy. At my next doctor appt I am going to be speaking with my real OB and telling him how upset I am for the assumptions made by that doctor. It made me feel horrible. Nick keeps telling me not to worry as we know that I am eating but it's just the idea of someone thinking I could ever do something like that intentionally to our baby girl. I love her and would never harm her. Darn doctors there so frustrating! The most important thing though is Makayla is doing great matter of fact she hated the belly belts they had on me and continued trying to kick them off the whole time. I hope I don't have to see that place for another 9 weeks.
About Me

- cassNnick
- Nick and I are so excited to have finally started a place for everyone to come see our updates on baby Makayla. I know that we have not been the best at keeping everyone informed but this should help. We are so happy about our newest addition to our family Makayla Rose Johnson and can't wait to share everything with you.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
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