About Me

- cassNnick
- Nick and I are so excited to have finally started a place for everyone to come see our updates on baby Makayla. I know that we have not been the best at keeping everyone informed but this should help. We are so happy about our newest addition to our family Makayla Rose Johnson and can't wait to share everything with you.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Kidney Update 2
Kayla had her Urology appt on September 4th and we met with Dr Berkman. He confirmed that there was no reflux in her kidneys anymore which was great. He did however find that the kidney ultrasound showed a noticable size difference in her kidneys. When she came in as a newborn her right kidney was larger than her left now her left kidney is larger than her right. He is not sure what to think about this he stated. Due to the fact your kidneys are sopposed to be the same size he is going to continue keeping her as his patient until next year when we will have a third ultrasound to see how the kidneys are growing. I am not too concerned as the doctor stated it could be that the ultrasound tech just did not get a good picture therefore the measurement could be off. Giving a 1 year old an ultrasound on her belly, back and side for 30 minutes you can only imagine she wasn't exactly perfectly still. Dr. Berkman stated that after her next birthday she would be more willing to lie still therefore we will know more at that time. So one more year and we will recheck. Nick and I were kind of disapointed because that was never something we thought of as we were unaware of the size problems from the first ultrasound but happy that she is doing well. I guess Nick and I will just have to hang on wondering for the next year, but time sure flys so I'm sure it will be here in no time =)
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Update on her kidneys~
Great news finally! Makayla had her VCUG and kidney ultrasound done on September 2nd at Phoenix Childrens Hospital and everything is perfect! No more kidney reflux woohoo. One medicine down and one still to go. This has been the best news we have gotten in along time considering Kayla is constantly sick. Anyhow just wanted to share the happiness!
Monday, August 31, 2009
Milk - oh no not another nono
Makayla started drinking Milk for the first time on August 22nd. Nick and I were supper excited to be able to start transitioning off of formula. But as everyone knows with Makayla there is always surprises. On the 23rd Makayla started getting blotchy red spots on her face which look almost like dry patches yet they are tinted pink/red, I didn't think much of it though at the time. But then on the 24th Makayla came home with a minor rash in her diaper area. Which is very unuasual for her. Believe it or not Makayla has only had two diaper rashes in her 13 months of life and they were minor and went away in a couple of hours after putting ointment on them. This was one of those, so I thought. The next day makayla went to Nana's with no rash it had gone away overnight but again by the time she came home it was awful! Matter of fact I know I have lack of experience with diaper rashes but it was the worst thing I had ever seen. It was totally red, blistered and swollen. So the only thing that was different in her diet was the milk so this could be a reaction. I spoke with the doctor on the 26th and they prescribed ointment and also made us go on lactois free milk. They are not possitive but think she may be lactoise intollerant. So back to always needing "special" things for Makayla. I guess it's ok though as I at least most of her ailments are not serious. We will try milk again in a month so wish her luck. All and all though Makayla is doing wonderfully just a few hickups along the way.
1 Year well check
On August 21st Makayla had the dreaded one year appt which means more shots!!! Makayla did really well though and only cried for a few minutes :) Such a tough little girl! Makayla had her MMR, VAR and her flu shot. We will be going back in October to get the second half of the flu shot along with the swine flu vaccine. It didn't take Nick and I long to decide on giving her the flu shots because she is already sick so often it would be absolutly awful if she were to get either flu. Her Dr said in her case it is an absolute necessity! Other than that they did the usual check up and also checked her iron levels. Good news her iron is back up to normal so no more daily iron supplements woohoo, one down 2 to go!
Height: 29.5 inches = 65th percentile
Weight: 19 Lbs 1 Oz - 27th percentile
Head circumference: 46 cm = 77th percentile
Height: 29.5 inches = 65th percentile
Weight: 19 Lbs 1 Oz - 27th percentile
Head circumference: 46 cm = 77th percentile
1st Birthday
Makayla's first birthday party was on August 16th and it went great! She had so many people show up to celebrate with her and we appreciate everyone for showing. Nick and I are pretty sure that her birthday next year will be at Chucky Cheese, it will make it much less stressful leading up to it I'm sure. I can't imagine anything could have been better though for her 1st year! Thank you again everyone for your birthday wishes Makayla is so fortuanate to have you in her lives.
-The Johnson's
-The Johnson's
Friday, July 17, 2009
Shes growing up way too fast!
Makayla started walking today. She took several steps while trying to reach the couch all by herself (multiple times). She has taken one or two steps before but nothing like this. I guess it goes back to the saying look mom no hands! Someone needs to slow her down shes is growing up way too fast. Although I must say she has two very proud parents. What an amazing little girl she is.
Friday, June 26, 2009
My little one is standing by herself!!
Guess what last night 06/25/09 Makayla was hanging onto the couch and flipped around holding onto nothing. Nick and I started clapping and she got a huge smile on her face and started waiving her hands above her head. She was very proud of herself. Then she would casually sit down and when we would stop clapping should would stand back up! Such a show off. I'm guessing by her birthday she will be a pro at walking. Nick and I are in amazement by how fast our baby is growing up. It seems like yesterday I was still pregnant and counting down the days.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
New Milestone already!
New news!! May 20th, I was getting dinner out while Makayla was playing with her monkey jungle toy from my dad and all of sudden I see a little body run in front of the tv holding onto her car. It took my breath away and it took a moment for me to understand what monumental thing had just happened... Our baby girl was walking! I will attach a video soon of her newest accomplishment I'm just trying to get it converted to the correct format. Not only are mommy and daddy very proud but Makayla's face was full of pride in herself. Oh boy and I thought nothing was sacred before, now she's really going to teach us a lesson. Help where is the cage lol.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
9 month well check
Makayla had her 9 month well check yesterday afternoon and of course it didn't go quite as expected. Makayla was not a happy baby when we arrived because we had to wake her up. She is a bit grouchy like her father when awakened from a good nap lol. They did all of her measurements as I have listed them below and then gave us the information on a couple tests they were going to be doing. One of the tests is the TB test (Tuberculosis), for this the nurse injected fluid just under the skin of her arm. If it stays bumped up within 48 hours then she has been exposed to TB. The second test was a prick on the tip of her big toe in order to get a small blood sample which by the way she did great for not even a peep. Of course Nick and I were not concerned and figured we would be out with no problems and no medicine for once, well that failed. Makayla's iron came back too low therefore she is considered Anemic. Because of this yet again we left the doctors office with more medication that needs to be given to our poor little girl. She will be on daily iron supplements until her 1 year checkup and at that time she will be retested. I feel so bad for Makayla as she already is taking two medications morning and night that she must take until at least 1 year of age. Try getting a baby to want to take multiple syringes full of medicine twice a day, it's not easy. =( The TB test obviously I don't know the results for sure yet but I can't imagine it would be positive. Anyhow, I guess just another day as being parents and more challenges to overcome. I am saddened by the fact Kayla got mommy's bad immunity and all but hope that she grows strong and healthy like her dad. I will update on the TB if there is anything found otherwise assume all went well.
~Head Measurement 79 percentile (45 inches around)
~Weight 35 percentile (17.15 pounds)
~Height 82 percentile (28 1/2 inches tall)
~Head Measurement 79 percentile (45 inches around)
~Weight 35 percentile (17.15 pounds)
~Height 82 percentile (28 1/2 inches tall)
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
9 Month Birthday!!!
Wow I have not been on here in just over 9 months now, and I am sorry for that. There is so much I can share about our little girl. Makayla is now 9 months old to the day and is just amazing. We have had little set backs along the way but she is otherwise a healthy perfect baby girl. For those of you who do not know Makayla was diagnosed with Kidney reflux and (Acid) reflux when she was only a little over a month old. Both conditions are doing very well with daily medications. We have also had many sick days as Makayla has an immune system like her mommy (sorry Kayla). We’ve been in hospitals, Urgent cares and frequent visitors to the doctors for kidney infections, flu’s, Bronchilitis multiple times, and the occasional cold or virus. In other words life as a mom and dad are very busy for us but we wouldn’t change it for the world.
Below I have created a list with a few milestones that my baby girl has accomplished including the crawling which is very recent. If you are a parent you know what that brings, STRESS lol. She is everywhere and everything seems to need some sort of baby proofing. It’s amazing the things that little ones will find. We have found ourselves sometimes vacumming multiple times a week because when Makayla is on the floor somehow with her x-ray vision she will find that one scrap of paper that is only ¼ inch big that is all the way across the room in the corner and pounce it, then in the mouth it goes. Wow are things different now that she is mobile.
Today we have Makayla’s 9 month check up so I will update on that tomorrow. Other than that I promise I will start taking more time to update everyone on our little angel. Hope everyone enjoys!
~Rolled over from back to tummy on August 23rd 2008 (Only 9 days old)
~First tooth was on February 13th 2009
~First word was Dad (dadadadada she loves screaming it) March 19th 2009
~Second word was baba
~Third word Mama/mommy on May 10th 2009 (What a great Mother’s Day gift)
~Second tooth broke through on March 25th 2009, 3rd tooth 07/14/09 (top front rt tooth, 4th tooth 07/26/09 (top front lt tooth), bottom (her rt front top tooth) 09/05/09.
~First long car ride March 20th 2009 to Kino Bay Mexico (11 Hours in the car and she did perfect, really I’m not kidding!)
~First airplaine ride was on April 16th 2009 to Kansas City to see all the Lang’s (Again she did amazing both ways)
~First time crawling was May 7th 2009 and there is no stopping her now.
~First steps without mommy and daddy holding her May 21st 2009!
~Standing without holding onto anything June 25th 2009
~Words: "Dog" 07/02/09, "Meme" 07/03/09, "Go" (which is her no)07/13/2009, Wheres Sarah?(wheresora) 07/18/09, "Kitty" 09/05/09
~Waving Hello and Bye bye 07/11/09
Below I have created a list with a few milestones that my baby girl has accomplished including the crawling which is very recent. If you are a parent you know what that brings, STRESS lol. She is everywhere and everything seems to need some sort of baby proofing. It’s amazing the things that little ones will find. We have found ourselves sometimes vacumming multiple times a week because when Makayla is on the floor somehow with her x-ray vision she will find that one scrap of paper that is only ¼ inch big that is all the way across the room in the corner and pounce it, then in the mouth it goes. Wow are things different now that she is mobile.
Today we have Makayla’s 9 month check up so I will update on that tomorrow. Other than that I promise I will start taking more time to update everyone on our little angel. Hope everyone enjoys!
~Rolled over from back to tummy on August 23rd 2008 (Only 9 days old)
~First tooth was on February 13th 2009
~First word was Dad (dadadadada she loves screaming it) March 19th 2009
~Second word was baba
~Third word Mama/mommy on May 10th 2009 (What a great Mother’s Day gift)
~Second tooth broke through on March 25th 2009, 3rd tooth 07/14/09 (top front rt tooth, 4th tooth 07/26/09 (top front lt tooth), bottom (her rt front top tooth) 09/05/09.
~First long car ride March 20th 2009 to Kino Bay Mexico (11 Hours in the car and she did perfect, really I’m not kidding!)
~First airplaine ride was on April 16th 2009 to Kansas City to see all the Lang’s (Again she did amazing both ways)
~First time crawling was May 7th 2009 and there is no stopping her now.
~First steps without mommy and daddy holding her May 21st 2009!
~Standing without holding onto anything June 25th 2009
~Words: "Dog" 07/02/09, "Meme" 07/03/09, "Go" (which is her no)07/13/2009, Wheres Sarah?(wheresora) 07/18/09, "Kitty" 09/05/09
~Waving Hello and Bye bye 07/11/09
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