Your baby has reached the magical mark of 28 weeks. This is it -- the home stretch! You've now officially entered the third and final trimester. The proportion of head to body is correct and if he were to be born now, he would be completely developed except for the extra fat that keeps him warm outside of the womb.
The skeleton of your baby is changing. The cartilage is slowly ossifying into firm bones. The ossification continues until his birth. The skull bones remain the softest so that the skull can compress enough to slip gently through the pelvis and birth canal. She's also probably banging around like mad in there -- except when she's sleeping. Yep, your baby is snoozing on a regular schedule, but in very short spurts (only about 20 to 30 minutes at a time). Right now she weighs roughly 2.5 pounds and measures a little over 15 inches from head to toe.
Baby Makayla is amazing although she is already getting in trouble. She likes to kick right behind mommys ribs. Oh boy is this a sign of what she will be like for the next 3 months lol.
About Me

- cassNnick
- Nick and I are so excited to have finally started a place for everyone to come see our updates on baby Makayla. I know that we have not been the best at keeping everyone informed but this should help. We are so happy about our newest addition to our family Makayla Rose Johnson and can't wait to share everything with you.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Regular Dr Appt update
I had another doctor appt today and all is well. Doctor Folkstad checked my cervix because I have had a few Braxton Hicks contractions in the last week, but thank goodness all is well and baby Makayla wont be trying to get out anytime soon we hope. I also had to have the Gestational Diabetes test before my appointment which consisted of me drinking this horrible drink (fruit punch flavored with about 99% sugar mixed in) then they drew blood. I should have the results back in about a week but I'm not worried. The drink although gave me a sugar rush which caused me to talk more than usual this morning (I know you didn't think that was possible). Matter of fact at one point Nick had to ask me to take a breath and SLOW down. Apparently Makayla felt the rush as well because her heart rate is always between 144-146 and today it was 154! Other than that all is well and we are right on target. I am still down 7 pounds from my original weight pre-pregnancy so I really don't have much to complain about yet. My next appt update wont be until June 19th so I will let you all know how it's going soon.
P.S. Oh also Makayla now makes my entire stomach move when she is kicking and rolling over. Nick thinks it is so strange to watch but it is amazing!
P.S. Oh also Makayla now makes my entire stomach move when she is kicking and rolling over. Nick thinks it is so strange to watch but it is amazing!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
27 Week Update
The Baby
Your baby now weighs nearly 2 pounds/ 875 grams and measures 14.5 inches/ 36.6 centimetres from heel to toe. Most babies are, at 27 weeks old, far enough along in their development that they have a reasonable chance of survival outside the uterus, but still would have to continue growing inside an incubator in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) for a considerable amount of time.
Her eyes open and close, she sleeps and wakes at regular intervals and she may suck a finger or thumb.
Sweet dreams, little baby! Some experts believe that babies begin to dream by the 28th week. What do they dream about? No one knows for certain but the brain is active this week as well. The characteristic grooves on the brain's surface start to appear and more brain tissue develops.
Chalk up any rhythmic movement you may be feeling to a case of the hiccups, which are common this week and throughout the pregnancy. Your baby has them but is breathing in amniotic fluid rather than air. A paper bag can't cure her hiccups, obviously, but an episode usually lasts only momentarily. The sensation for you may be strange but not unpleasant.
Your baby now weighs nearly 2 pounds/ 875 grams and measures 14.5 inches/ 36.6 centimetres from heel to toe. Most babies are, at 27 weeks old, far enough along in their development that they have a reasonable chance of survival outside the uterus, but still would have to continue growing inside an incubator in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) for a considerable amount of time.
Her eyes open and close, she sleeps and wakes at regular intervals and she may suck a finger or thumb.
Sweet dreams, little baby! Some experts believe that babies begin to dream by the 28th week. What do they dream about? No one knows for certain but the brain is active this week as well. The characteristic grooves on the brain's surface start to appear and more brain tissue develops.
Chalk up any rhythmic movement you may be feeling to a case of the hiccups, which are common this week and throughout the pregnancy. Your baby has them but is breathing in amniotic fluid rather than air. A paper bag can't cure her hiccups, obviously, but an episode usually lasts only momentarily. The sensation for you may be strange but not unpleasant.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Makayla is going to the moon!
Daddy update 5/15/08
Well today i found a link that allowed me to add Makayla Rose Johnson's name to the next NASA Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter that will be landing on the moon. (im a sucker for all this geeky stuff, haha) This will be the mission that takes NASA back to the moon, and will pave the way for future manned moon missions that will in-turn make Mars exploration possible. (see i told you i was secretely a geek) Anyways, i got a cool little 'Certificate of Participation' for Makayla, even though she probably wont give a rats patoot, haha.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
26 week update
How your baby's growing:
Feel like your baby is bouncing off the walls? It's no wonder -- her living quarters are getting pretty snug these days. Your baby now weighs about a pound and two-thirds and measures 14 inches, from head to heel. The nerve pathways in her ears are developing, which means her response to sounds is growing more consistent. Her lungs are developing now, too, as she continues to take small breaths of amniotic fluid — good practice for when she's born and takes that first breath of air.
To support the fetus's growing body, the spine is getting stronger and more supple. Though no longer than the span of the average adult hand, it is now made up of 150 joints and some 1,000 ligaments.
You can also compare bellies now if you have the opportunity, for example at the pool or childbirth classes. Of course, the size of one's pregnancy belly says nothing about the size of the baby inside. A baby who sits forward can be smaller than a baby who sits more to the back or who lies across the uterus. Very tall women may have a very small "basketball belly" with a very large baby. Even your increased weight says nothing about the size of your baby. It really doesn't matter how much weight you gain. On average, during the pregnancy you will gain 35 pounds (15 kilos)-including those women who lose weight and those who gain 100 lbs (45 kilos)! Those extra pounds are not all in your belly. They are divided up approximately as follows:
baby 7 ½ pounds (3400 grams)
placenta and membranes 1 ½ pounds (650 grams)
amniotic fluid 1 ¾ pounds (800 grams)
uterus 2 ¼ pounds (1000 grams)
extra blood 2 ¾ pounds (1250 grams)
breasts 1 ¼ pounds (500 grams)
extra fat supply 5 ¼ pounds (2400 grams)
extra fluid 4 ½ pounds (2000 grams)
Feel like your baby is bouncing off the walls? It's no wonder -- her living quarters are getting pretty snug these days. Your baby now weighs about a pound and two-thirds and measures 14 inches, from head to heel. The nerve pathways in her ears are developing, which means her response to sounds is growing more consistent. Her lungs are developing now, too, as she continues to take small breaths of amniotic fluid — good practice for when she's born and takes that first breath of air.
To support the fetus's growing body, the spine is getting stronger and more supple. Though no longer than the span of the average adult hand, it is now made up of 150 joints and some 1,000 ligaments.
You can also compare bellies now if you have the opportunity, for example at the pool or childbirth classes. Of course, the size of one's pregnancy belly says nothing about the size of the baby inside. A baby who sits forward can be smaller than a baby who sits more to the back or who lies across the uterus. Very tall women may have a very small "basketball belly" with a very large baby. Even your increased weight says nothing about the size of your baby. It really doesn't matter how much weight you gain. On average, during the pregnancy you will gain 35 pounds (15 kilos)-including those women who lose weight and those who gain 100 lbs (45 kilos)! Those extra pounds are not all in your belly. They are divided up approximately as follows:
baby 7 ½ pounds (3400 grams)
placenta and membranes 1 ½ pounds (650 grams)
amniotic fluid 1 ¾ pounds (800 grams)
uterus 2 ¼ pounds (1000 grams)
extra blood 2 ¾ pounds (1250 grams)
breasts 1 ¼ pounds (500 grams)
extra fat supply 5 ¼ pounds (2400 grams)
extra fluid 4 ½ pounds (2000 grams)
Monday, May 12, 2008
My first "kind of" Mothers Day.
Nick got me the best gift ever the gift to see Makayla in 3d/4d again! He had an appt scheduled for Saturday May 10th for just he and I. It's amazing how much she has grown in 8 weeks. Now we can actually see that she is a baby not just a skeleton. Nick has decided she has his nose and all I know is she is absolutely beautiful! I had the ultrasound tech check for the third time to make sure she was in deed still a she, and sure enough nothing has popped out. I've been informed I worry too much and that the baby is definitely a girl just like I was definitely pregnant. Makayla was busy during the ultrasound and kept arching her neck and back while kicking which is what I assumed is a tantrum already and she's not even born. I guess we can already see that she's going to be a handful, but none the less we can't wait to see her in our arms soon.

Kick the daddy!
As President Franklin D. Roosevelt said about the Dec. 7th attack of Pearl Harbor,
"April 28th, 2008 is a date that will live in infamy..."
Well atleast in my eyes. That is the first time I felt my daughter move. Cassie and I were just hangin out watchin a movie at home, Cassie had her hands on her stomach, and she told me that she felt Makayla moving. I was like "really" and I jumped off the couch and ran over. The biggest thing up until this point, was it seemed that everyone who tried to feel her move, actually felt it, whenever I would try, the kid would go instantly into acoma. Needless to say, this was a little more than dis-couraging. But I was determined to feel her move atleast once while she was in her little pressure cooker. So I sat, and I waited, and waited, and just when I was about to again give up...I felt it... a little nudge from my pint size offspring. Now at this point, I am having flash backs of the day Cassie called me and told me to bring home more pregnancy test's because I am just THAT STOKED! So again, with both hands on the controls (read: baby bump), I wait, and wait, and it feels like we are slipping back to this whole, "I hate daddy", I just layed my head down on Cassie's tummy to tell the little one that, yes I felt her move, and thank you. Well apparently she is already following in my footsteps of not being a 'Sentimental' type, because LOW AND BEHOLD, I felt a little bump on my cheek, and Cassie said "woah there Makayla...". Yes, my daughter kicked me in the face, even before she was born. (I cant wait for the terrible two's, im going to have a black eye). I think that pretty much sum's up the first time I felt my child move. So in honor of Southpark's "kick the baby", this has been my story of "Kick the Daddy"
"April 28th, 2008 is a date that will live in infamy..."
Well atleast in my eyes. That is the first time I felt my daughter move. Cassie and I were just hangin out watchin a movie at home, Cassie had her hands on her stomach, and she told me that she felt Makayla moving. I was like "really" and I jumped off the couch and ran over. The biggest thing up until this point, was it seemed that everyone who tried to feel her move, actually felt it, whenever I would try, the kid would go instantly into acoma. Needless to say, this was a little more than dis-couraging. But I was determined to feel her move atleast once while she was in her little pressure cooker. So I sat, and I waited, and waited, and just when I was about to again give up...I felt it... a little nudge from my pint size offspring. Now at this point, I am having flash backs of the day Cassie called me and told me to bring home more pregnancy test's because I am just THAT STOKED! So again, with both hands on the controls (read: baby bump), I wait, and wait, and it feels like we are slipping back to this whole, "I hate daddy", I just layed my head down on Cassie's tummy to tell the little one that, yes I felt her move, and thank you. Well apparently she is already following in my footsteps of not being a 'Sentimental' type, because LOW AND BEHOLD, I felt a little bump on my cheek, and Cassie said "woah there Makayla...". Yes, my daughter kicked me in the face, even before she was born. (I cant wait for the terrible two's, im going to have a black eye). I think that pretty much sum's up the first time I felt my child move. So in honor of Southpark's "kick the baby", this has been my story of "Kick the Daddy"
Mommy feels first kicks
March 19th 7:45 Nick and I were enjoying some pizza and watching a movie and sure enough I got to feel Makayla for the first time kicking. It wasn't a little flutter it was a definite baby kick twice in a row. I knew exactly what it was immediately. It was amazing and I couldn't wait to feel it again. I can say that now but I'm sure at 36 weeks pregnant I'm going to be pleading for her to stop breaking my ribs lol. It's a miracle that we can help create another life inside of us.
25 Week Update
Your pregnancy: 25 weeks
Your baby is now so large that he no longer floats freely in the amniotic fluid. He can move in all directions, however, and he is still a long way away from reaching his final position for delivery. At one moment, he is entirely to the right at the bottom and the next instant he is entirely in the upper part of your tummy. But you can really feel it when he turns and changes positions. Head to heels, your baby now measures about 13 1/2 inches. His weight — a pound and a half — isn't much more than an average rutabaga, but he's beginning to exchange his long, lean look for some baby fat. As he does, his wrinkled skin will begin to smooth out and he'll start to look more and more like a newborn. His hair is probably recognizable now (in color and texture), although both may change after he's born.
For the next month or so, your baby's brain will be growing at its fastest rate. Some pregnant women like to eat "brain food," which includes foods high in essential fatty acids like flax seeds, walnuts, fish, grass-fed beef, and eggs.
Your baby is now so large that he no longer floats freely in the amniotic fluid. He can move in all directions, however, and he is still a long way away from reaching his final position for delivery. At one moment, he is entirely to the right at the bottom and the next instant he is entirely in the upper part of your tummy. But you can really feel it when he turns and changes positions. Head to heels, your baby now measures about 13 1/2 inches. His weight — a pound and a half — isn't much more than an average rutabaga, but he's beginning to exchange his long, lean look for some baby fat. As he does, his wrinkled skin will begin to smooth out and he'll start to look more and more like a newborn. His hair is probably recognizable now (in color and texture), although both may change after he's born.
For the next month or so, your baby's brain will be growing at its fastest rate. Some pregnant women like to eat "brain food," which includes foods high in essential fatty acids like flax seeds, walnuts, fish, grass-fed beef, and eggs.
In the beginning...

It all began the morning of December 29th 2007.
Nick had just left the house to run an errand when I decided to take the opportunity to investigate some "unusual" things that had been going on with me lately. By investigate I mean run to the bathroom and take not one not two but three pregnancy tests. All of them faintly said "yep you're pregnant". I was in shock thinking wow I know we wanted kids someday soon but someday soon came quick. I immediately texted Kristi (my best friend for 9 years) and my mom with a picture of the results. Of course the phone began ringing with Kristi saying your pregnant congrats! Shortly after that conversation I called my mom not sure if she had gotten the picture message I had sent and sure enough she was soooo excited. I kept saying it probley wasn't true and I wanted more proof. I then had to make the big call to Nick, yes I called my own husband 3rd but it was because I just couldn't believe it. I called Nick and said "hunny I think that ummmm we might be having a baby" Nick was so excited! I told him to pick up one more box of pregnancy tests so that I could just make 100% sure. He rushed home and handed me a bag of pregnancy tests. There were two different types with two in each box because he wasn't sure which brand to buy. Then over the next couple hours I took 3 more pregnancy tests! I know a little obsessive but after taking 6 and all showing positive Nick knew we were expecting yet I was still not sure lol. While Nick ran around the house taking pictures of the pregnancy tests and jumping around with happiness I decided it was time to tell our family that it was a possibility I was pregnant. Yes I said it, POSSIBILITY; I mean people could have 6 false positives right lol. We called Terri and Wayne (Nick's mom and dad) to see if we could meet up with them. They were at Applebee's with Aunt Judy so we were out the door on the way up there to meet them. On the way I had to call my dad who had been asking about when he was going to be a grandpa for quite some time. My dad being skeptical like me thought that we better wait for proof yet he brought home a little yellow ducky for the baby lol. I then called a few others before pulling up to the restaurant. We ran in and looked at Terri and Wayne and said how would you like to be grandparents?!? They looked at us with confusion as we said yep were probley having a little one. We chatted a bit with them about everything and said our goodbyes as Terri was still thinking about what name she wanted baby to call her. Back in the car on the way home I told Nick I would like to wait on telling everyone else until we saw the doctor. Nick looked at me like I was crazy, he had already texted darn near everyone in his phone about becoming a daddy. I guess that's what a proud daddy to be does. I was so lucky to have such a wonderful husband to share that first day with.
P.S. I took the 7th pregnancy test the next morning and it was the weirdest thing it still showed pregnant. =-)
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